Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Alice Swanson

Hi: I'm so sorry that I am so slow in replying to your e-mail. I have been trying to recall. It was exciting to have a young couple with several children move in across the street. It did not take long for Kay and me to become friends. Dianne would come over and play with Judy and Kay. I believe Tom was a baby. After a few years Robin was born and then later on Bobbie was born. I remember later on Kay and I would take Bobbie and Ernie shopping. On one occasion we were looking at patterns at the Bon when one of the officers at the Bon came and told us that little Ernie and Bobbie had stopped the escalators. He was very upset. It was so hard to keep track of those little boys when we were shopping. Another time at the Bon the place became darker. Where were the boys? Sure enough they were closing the drapes and another time we couldn't find them and they were in a tent. Oh Me!
One year I was a counselor at summer camp. Judy invited Dianne,her cousin Laverne and another friend to go with her. At first the girls were rather disappointed that I was appointed to be their counselor but I told them that I would ignore some of the things they wanted to do as long as it wasn't dangerous. I remember they put rocks in my bed and braided my hair. We had a good time
Kay and I kept being friends even after you moved and are still to this day even we don't get to see each other any more.
I am now 90 years old and moved to a retirement home called Cristwood. I am enjoying it a lot. I hope that you are well.
Sincerely, Alice
Alice add more to her story

Hi: Dolly Grondal started the sewing club that the following ladies went to for many years. We all lived on or close to 185th st No between Ashworth and Meridian except for Ivy Barnes and
Doris Olson's Sister. I can't remember her name.
They were: Dolly Grondal, Doris Olson, Doris's sister, Phyllis Ford, Ella Harris, Kay Gudgel, Thelma Jacobson, Ivy Barnes, Alice Swanson, Helen Johnson.
We went to different houses for dessert and did very little sewing but a lot of visiting. We were all good friends.
Kay, Ella and Alice are the only ones still living. I am the oldest. Alice

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